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时间:2021-10-29    点击:8 次    来源:个性昵称    作者:qiming - 小 + 大

导语:“如果一个人说喜欢你请等到他对你百般照顾时再相信如果他答应带你去的地方等他订好机票再开心,如果他说要娶你,等他买好戒指跪在你面前再感动感情,不是说说而已,我们已经过了而听爱情的年纪”\\\"If a person says he likes you, please wait for him to take care of you in every way, then believe that if he agrees to take you to the place and book the plane ticket, if he says he wants to marry you, wait for him to buy the ring and kneel in front of you and then be touched, not just talk, we have passed the age of listening to love.\\\"结语:“喜欢一切可爱的人与事,悦耳的风铃,伸懒腰的猫咪,叽叽喳喳的小鸟,在风里翻飞的树叶上的漂亮的文字。喜欢世间万物,但我更喜欢你,因为你是可爱本身。”\\\"Like all lovely people and things, sweet wind chimes, stretching cats, twittering birds, flying in the wind on the leaves of the beautiful text. I like everything in the world, but I like you better, because you are lovely in yourself.\\\"


上一篇:女孩漂亮有涵养的名字 『回来我的爱』

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